Top 10 Free Interview Prep Templates in Notion

Interview preparation is a critical step in securing your dream job. It helps you articulate your skills, experiences, and value to potential employers with confidence. An Interview Prep Notion template can streamline this process by organizing your preparation materials, tracking your application progress, and providing a structured approach to practicing interview questions.

Before you dive into creating your own Interview Prep, consider exploring these Interview Prep Notion templates to make the process more efficient and effective.


Use First Round’s References Template to conduct thorough reference checks on candidates. It guides you through essential questions and records reference details, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of a candidate’s past performance and potential fit within your organization.

A template preview for References

2Interview kit

With so many talented people in our industry currently looking for their next opportunity, this template is a tool to help anyone keep track of each position of interest. Add new roles, take notes, track progression steps, and more.

A template preview for Interview kit

3Blinkist's hiring wiki

Blinkist’s hiring wiki template unlocks growth with quality. Ensure a consistent process for every interview by consolidating all interview guidelines, referral tips, best practices and more. Use their template to avoid scattered information and create a synchronized and efficient system for everyone involved in the hiring process.

A template preview for Blinkist's hiring wiki

4Job Hunter’s Companion

Here's what you'll get with this game-changing dashboard:

💼 Opportunities Board: A table to keep track of all job postings in one place with fields for company information, deadline, status and more. The dashboard includes a reminder system to keep you on top of deadlines and the ability to store tailored resumes and job descriptions.

💼 Company Board: A dedicated page for researching companies, with fields to add details, a custom logo and research points so you're always prepared for your next interview.

💼 Interview Guide: A collection of 100+ common interview questions with sample answers to help you ace your interview and impress the employer!

💼 Networking Tracker: Keep track of all your networking efforts with fields to log follow-ups, information exchanged and more. You never know who might lead you to your dream job!

A template preview for Job Hunter’s Companion

5Recruiting Checklist

First Round’s Recruiting Checklist Template provides an end-to-end guide to efficiently manage your recruiting efforts. From creating job descriptions to onboarding new hires, this template ensures a systematic approach, facilitating alignment across the team and optimizing the selection of ideal candidates.

A template preview for Recruiting Checklist

6Notion’s engineering assessment criteria

Ensuring consistency in the interview process is crucial when trying to evaluate a candidate’s skill. That’s why at Notion, we developed a thorough rubric to help us stay objective when hiring engineers. Filter the assessment criteria by role to get examples of good and bad signals during an interview. Use this template to sharpen your interview skills and find engineers at any level.

A template preview for Notion’s engineering assessment criteria

7Notion’s guide for interviewing at Notion

As an interviewer, your goal is to try to understand your candidate and set them up for success. That’s why at Notion, we built out a guide for interviewing with us, along with preparation tips that’ll help ease the nerves. Create a page for each department and a customizable template for each role. Use this template to prepare your candidate for their interview and provide resources like videos, links, schedules. and more.

A template preview for Notion’s guide for interviewing at Notion

8Notion’s interview panel

Staying organized during the interview process ensures a consistent experience for every candidate. At Notion, we’ve made this template to be duplicated for every new role that pops up, giving you an overview of the full interviewing panel, along with who’s screening for what. Use this template to simplify the interviewing process and build a definitive framework for judging candidates.

A template preview for Notion’s interview panel

9Interview Guide

Use this template to prepare your job candidates for their interviews and offer them helpful resources like videos, links, schedules and more.

A template preview for Interview Guide

10Shopify's VP of Engineering hiring cheatsheet

VP of engineering at Shopify Farhan Thawar knows what it takes to hire effective engineering leaders. To avoid high turnover rates, his hiring framework focuses on process, people, and technology. Use Farhan's template to streamline the hiring process and find your next VP of engineering.

A template preview for Shopify's VP of Engineering hiring cheatsheet

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