Skyfall:Archives: Index / CoE: Dev team / News'slinger

Contents: Viewing, Filtering, Newslinger, Newsfeed, Aggregation ...see also CoE: Devdrops & CoE: Almanach

Archived and tagged News from the Chronicles of Elyria's CoE: Dev team, be it from the news/blog on the official website, sticky posts/polls still relevant on the forum, links to the Q&A (questions & answers) videos on their YouTube channel and major events from the official Discord.

Comprehensive view

Note that items can be quite numerous (and expanding), yet the full content, texts and clickable URLs are only shown when you visualize the card in details.

Filter & search features (computer only)

Naturally you can, and should, use the integrated search feature (🔍) to find a particular term or characters through the entire View (not the entire web page, which could be cumbersome and there is the browser for that)... or through your filtered results, which make our Filter (⏬) and Sort (↕️) features particularly helpful.

Try them (filter on "journal" or "adventure" for instances), you'll be convinced, since you can filter by any combination of fields, categories, dates in a very natural way. Similarly, you can sort the field(s) you choose, indeed plural is definitely an option (default is by date, then genre and finally title) and allow another level of flexibility.



Skyfall:Archives: News central [CoE]

Skyfall:Archives: News central [CoE]

Official newsfeed : featured posts (RSS) [🔝]

About our aggregation [🔝]

As a side note, though slowly, this view (and the data behind) will be updated until Exposition.


Cover image: Archer mounting a war Trison on the Battlefield. Credits: Soulbond Studios. <<