Contents: Topics (*Events, Informations, Community, Living world, Lore, Making-of*) about CoE ...see also S:A: Kiosque

[📖]: Followed by our Edito, How-to, Tips and Status pages.


Gathering knowledge where it matters, we're originally from Selene, the european server for the upcoming game Chronicles of Elyria, an unprecedented multiplayer evolving online world, to say the least.

Forums - Chronicles of Elyria

Chronicles of Elyria, a dynamic MMORPG where your deeds become your living legacy.

Leonim: fledgling editor

Leonim: fledgling editor


Chronicles of Elyria?

As for the regulars or the hasty (don't run in the hallways please), you'll find directions to our public data/views just below... so be curious!


Sync your hourglass on elyrian time, here come some calendars of, past and incoming, game and lore events:

CoE: Almanach

[📖]: Agenda (*Almanach, News*), Narrative (Kingdoms, History), Writing, Time



What's ongoing?

Living World

[🔝] Other cultures and inhabitants found in the elyrian ecosphere:

CoE: Tribes

[📖]: Soulborn (*Mechanics, Offline Play*), Selection, Themes, Tribes, Design, Religions

CoE: Languages

[📖]: Communication, Languages, Pronunciation, Localization

[📐] Helping tools (*Writer, Translator, Roleplayer, Coder*)

CoE: Biomes

[📖]: Seamless, Biomes, Biodiversity

CoE: Fauna

[📖]: Animals, Taming, Chart

CoE: Map Voting


[🔝] Story, folklore and myths about elyrian celestial bodies and zodiac houses:

CoE: Zodiac Houses

CoE: Celestials

[📖]: Astronomy, Awakening, Ancients, Celestials


And last, but not least, Soulbond Studios' roster call.

CoE: Dev team

[📖]: Thanks, Soulbond Studios, Publications (Casual, Official), Afterword

What's cooking?

As usual, concept art and in-game development match closely when it comes to Soulbond Studios.

As usual, concept art and in-game development match closely when it comes to Soulbond Studios.

[🔝] The new low-polygon Prelyria client will replace VoxElyria (previously ElyriaMUD, briefly Elyria2D) for the alpha I, one of the focus in release 0.50 (along map selection)... it should also be the game client for the subsequent "Kingdoms of Elyria" (KoE) stage.

Closer to the final Unreal client, world interaction and systems will be fine-tested more easily and development cycles will be tighter (understand faster): less redundant work between clients.



Welcome, feel free to browse our contents below, followed by a short word from @Leonim :, head archivist of the Skyfall Academy [S:A], our crafts & arts school nested in the city of Aurora Beach.

A strange genesis...

The original intent was to slowly and organically gather information from reliable and official sources in order to build during Exposition the vision of our synergetic twining between **Ombrelune**&**Aurora**. These pages are a partial peek to our decently-furbished archives, they're up-to-date but are by design, meant to be archives, not a traditional news-site, wiki or bulletin-post.

Anyway, the plan didn't go as intended, they rarely do: too much idle time being ill, and the database you're peeking at (through the several views in our pages) went from skeletal to huge in a fortnight... a bit too much for free plans actually: effectively nearing that 1200 total entries limit (for the underlying Airtable).

Airtable: Organize anything you can imagine

Our referal link for you to create a new account for Airtable.

And that was only for the basic knowledge base, while the who's who (nobility and their influence chart, main organisations...) is an entire other matter. Hence it was soon split into several ones to afford the expanding data and remain free (it can still cause some hiccups and delays here and there).

Maybe earlier on, you would have thought you saw everything, yet as you may have understood by now, the complete archives are only available to our members and special guests: the Ombrelune Consortium is a, our own, one-of-a-hell in-game security firm, originating as a manoir-prison and all.

Enjoy your stay, be sustainable and considerate to your surroundings while soaking knowledge in our Skyfall:Archives:, remember to entertain yourself in the nearby campus grounds from time to time.

Website tips

Using embedded views


Lets stick to the topic and scope of those little previews, some may contain quite the number of items (and expanding), yet the full content, texts and clickable URLs are only shown when you visualize the card in details.