Notion 1.9

Long time no update. We've been working hard on a series of big releases! This first one is about collaboration and notifications. They're notoriously hard to design for, so we would love your feedback once you've had a chance to play around with them 😇

Features & Improvements

  • In-App update feed 📬
    From our team users, the most frequent request is always "how can I see what's changed?"
    Now you can! Simply click on the "All Updates" button in the sidebar, and you'll see all your page updates and notifications neatly in one place.

    (1) All Updates : it shows all the changes in your workspace that are visible to you. Think of it as a Facebook feed for your team.
    (2) Followed : it shows the updates for pages you follow, which is useful for keeping an eye on important pages, or ones you are currently collaborating on.
    (3) Mentions : it shows all your @mentions, plus comments on pages you've followed. Think of it as the "red badge" in Slack. It's a great way to get your teammates' attention!
    *The Slack integration is temporarily disabled for the time being. Don't worry. It'll make a comeback.

  • Page follow 👀
    Need to keep a closer eye on a certain page? Now you can follow it, and it will show up in your "All Updates" menu.
    You'll automatically follow the pages you have created or edited.

  • Character-by-character page updates ✍️
    Also in your page's "Updates" menu, you'll see a feed of changes on that page. Great for collaborating on all sorts of documents and drafts.

  • Better email updates 💌
    Previously, email updates only show @mention and comments. Now they'll show the actual content that's changed, especially useful for your external collaborators.

  • Push notifications for Mac, Windows, & iOS apps 🛎
    If you use one of our apps, we'll intelligently forward your @mentions and comments notifications to one of your devices so they don't flood your email inbox.

  • Page visitors 👫
    On the top of every page, you'll see recent visitors. Hover over each one to see the last visited time.

  • RIP toolbox. Long live the insert button
    We've finally retired the toolbox in the right-hand side, and replaced it with a much more useful insert button. You served us well Mr. Toolbox! 👼

  • Noticeable speed improvement 🚗
    Notion should be quite a bit faster, especially if you have a long page with a lot of text.

  • Better trash bin 🗑
    It nows lets you recover trashed sub pages individually, so you can delete them with confidence ;-)

  • Better import
    We moved the import button into your sidebar. Give it a try!

  • Simplified team v.s. personal workspace
    This is a big one. We removed the difference between a personal workspace and a team one. So everything is just a "workspace" now, much easier to understand!
    Also, all your shared pages would show up under the "Shared" section in your left sidebar, doesn't matter which space you are in.

  • A more accessible help & feedback button
    Need help? Feature suggestions? Now it's easier than ever to reach us.

  • One Click to Add New Pages
    For those of you creating pages often, you now have a much more prominent button to quickly add a private page. Try it!

  • More colors anyone?

  • Noticeable improved search
    We improved the recall accuracy a little bit.
    For the meanwhile, please message us in the app if you have any suggestions on how can make search better for you!

Bug Fixes

  • Much faster copy/paste

  • Faster desktop app

  • Remove auto-download on the desktop page

  • We fixed so many bugs, it's hard to list them all... 😅

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