Jun 28, 2017

Features & Improvements

  • iOS Beta has landed📱 🔥
    The long-awaited Notion iOS App is now in Beta! If you are one of our beta testers, we are looking forward to your feedback and bug reports (check out below to see how to message us in the app).
    If you want to become a beta tester, message us your Apple ID and we'll add you to the TestFlight list! (In the left sidebar of your browser or desktop app hit Help & Feedback -> Message Us.)

  • Embed everything! 🐙
    Notion now supports many more embed types. Embed a live Framer or Invision prototype, a Tweet, or even a working Google Sheet or Google Doc. Try it!

  • Embed and media resizing
    For many embed and media types, you can now resize and change the aspect ratio. This is really handy if you are trying to embed a prototype from Framer or Invision, or make your Google Sheet larger.

  • Share to your Google Contacts
    You can now invite any of your Google contacts to your page or team – no need to copy and paste their emails anymore!
    (You have to log out and log back in for this to work 👈)

  • Code block copy text
    You can now copy an entire code block with one click. This will be extra useful for frequently used code snippets.

  • Save scroll position when navigating 📜
    When navigating back to the previous page, Notion will restore your scroll position.

  • Better offline indicator
    We now have a more prominent offline indicator. When you hover over it, you can see how many offline edits have yet to be synced. Also when the app is syncing, we provide a progress indicator.

Bug Fixes

  • Quick Find scrolling to block
    Previously, when searching for a block, Notion could only scroll to blocks that were above the fold. Now it loads as much of the page as needed.

  • ChromeOS S-key
    We fixed a bug where the s key didn't work on ChromeOS.

  • Inline code weirdness
    Some weird things used to happen when pasting emojis into an inline code block.

  • Download the desktop app in Firefox
    We handled a browser quirk where Firefox would redirect away from the download page.

  • ... and so many other small bugs here and there 🕵️

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