Top PRD: Product Requirements Doc Templates for Product Development Managers

9 Vorlagen

A Product Requirements Document (PRD) is an invaluable tool for Product Development Managers, serving as a beacon that guides both strategy and execution throughout the product development cycle. A well-structured PRD Notion template not only streamlines the process of defining product goals, features, and functionalities but also ensures that all team members are aligned with the product vision. Before embarking on the journey of crafting your own PRD, exploring these examples of PRD Notion templates could greatly ease the process, offering a structured framework to efficiently communicate your product's roadmap and requirements.

1. PRD (Product requirements doc)

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für PRD (Product requirements doc)

A product requirements doc is critical to organizing and validating the thoughts around a new feature or product build. This template enables you to start collecting requirements and begin sequencing work.

2. Produktspezifikation

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Produktspezifikation

Eine Produktspezifikation sollte alle Informationen enthalten, die dein Team benötigt, um etwas Neues zu entwickeln. Verwende diese Vorlage als Quelle der Wahrheit, um Kontext zu geben, Ziele zu setzen, Grenzfälle zu sehen und Entwicklungsschritte zu planen.

3. Product spec

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Product spec

A Product Requirement Document (PRD) or Product Spec designed for product managers in tech. It allows you to easily build a spec and track pain points, users and personas, implementation plan and success criteria.

I built this template because I was frustrated by how hard it is to keep track of all the relevant parts of a PRD in more conventional tools - the main upside of building Specs in Notion is that it allows you to keep a clean high-level overview, while linking the more detailed pieces in.

Also, I love that I can use the Relations feature to link users to user stories and features - this allows you to always ensure you know for who you’re building something and what pain you’re trying to solve!

4. Produktanforderungsdokument (PRD)

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Produktanforderungsdokument (PRD)

Produktanforderungsdokumente (PRD) helfen dir, besser zu verstehen, wie Nutzer/-innen mit deinem Produkt interagieren.

Du kannst Zusammenhänge erklären, Ziele und KPIs bestimmen oder Einschränkungen aufzeigen, die bei der Entwicklung des Produkts beachtet werden müssen. Du kannst auch festhalten, welche Annahmen du über das Zielpublikum machst und Abhängigkeiten identifizieren.

Nutze den Aufgabenbereich, um alles, was für das Projekt erledigt werden muss, zu überblicken. Du kannst die Aufgaben auch nach Status oder PM filtern.

5. Product Requirements Document

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Product Requirements Document

There are many phases building a product. With Loom’s Product Requirements Document (PRD) template, you can clearly lay out all the parts to get you from idea to launch.

6. Developer Portal Product Plan

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Developer Portal Product Plan

This is a template that you can use to build a plan to create and launch your developer portal! 🚢
The template includes the following views:
1 - “User stories”: a table of “user stories” to implement in the developer portal with their sprint, dates, status, impact, and owner
2 - “Workplan”: a timeline which you can use to track and manage the project

7. Product 1-Pager

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Product 1-Pager

This template facilitates the strategic planning of your initiative by helping you define its description, identify the problem it solves, evaluate its worth, and determine success criteria. It also guides you in setting the target audience, formulating the experiment plan, and establishing milestones.

8. Segment analytics tracking plan

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Segment analytics tracking plan

The template helps a marketing or product manager clearly, consistently, and easily define all events, identify, and group calls required to make their Segment instance useful and fulfill their analytics goals.

It includes instructions for creating a plan, pre-defined calls common to most use-cases, and recommendations for maximizing the value of a Segment instance.

After creating the tracking plan, developers will be able to quickly implement the plan so users can start deriving insights from their data.

9. Business Requirement Documents (BRD)

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Business Requirement Documents (BRD)

The Business Requirement Document (BRD) is the compass guiding project development. It comprehensively outlines business goals, user expectations, and functional needs, ensuring a shared vision. Like a roadmap, the BRD navigates teams toward successful project outcomes. 🚀


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