Top 10 Free Personal Goals Templates in Notion

Having personal goals is crucial in life as they help tap into your untapped potential and achieve happiness and satisfaction. A personal goals template can assist in this process by providing a structured approach to setting, tracking, and reviewing your goals.

Before creating your own personal goals Notion, consider checking out these free personal goals templates below to make the process easier.

What Makes a Great Personal Goal Template?

Creating great personal goals involves considering numerous variables to ensure they are effective and aligned with your vision. A well-crafted goal should possess certain attributes to maximize its potential.

  • Specificity: Clearly defined and focused goals that are easy to understand and work towards.

  • Measurability: Quantifiable objectives that allow you to track progress and determine success.

  • Achievability: Realistic and attainable goals that consider your resources and constraints.

  • Relevance: Goals that align with your personal vision, values, and long-term objectives.

  • Time-bound: Deadlines and timeframes that create a sense of urgency and encourage commitment.

1Tracker für deine Jahresziele 2024

Ein solider Aktionsplan ist entscheidend, wenn du versuchst, deine Ziele zu erreichen. Mit Notion kannst du deine Jahresziele in vierteljährliche und tägliche Aufgaben unterteilen. Wenn es dir schwer fällt, dich an deine persönlichen Vorsätze zu halten, versuche es mit der mitgelieferten Datenbank zum Tracken deiner Gewohnheiten. Verwende diese Vorlage, um alle deine Ziele zu organisieren und sie im Auge zu behalten.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Tracker für deine Jahresziele 2024

2Life Planner • Time Blocking, Journal, Goals

An all-in-one planner that assists you in planning your day using a time-blocking template and establishing your priorities on a weekly and monthly basis. The Goals section enables you to list your short-term and long-term goals, and includes a vision board page. Additionally, the Journal section allows you to write your daily journals (with prompts!) and travel journals.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Life Planner • Time Blocking, Journal, Goals

3Persönliche Homepage

Genau wie ein Wiki dir helfen kann, alle wichtigen Informationen in deinem Unternehmen zentral und leicht zugänglich zu sammeln, kann ein persönliches Wiki dir eine hilfreiche Wissensbasis für dein Leben sein! Beginne mit deiner eigenen persönlichen Homepage, auf der du deine Schlüsselprojekte verlinken kannst (wie bei einer anstehenden Reise) oder auf der du Listen einfügen kannst, die du regelmäßig erweiterst (Filme, die du sehen möchtest, Rezepte zum Ausprobieren). Vielleicht willst du einige Fitness-Ziele, ein CRM oder eine tägliche To-do-Liste hinzufügen. Das ist ganz dir überlassen!

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Persönliche Homepage

4PARA Dashboard

Tiago Forte's "Building a Second Brain" course and book has taught hundreds of thousands of people a simple, yet robust method for organizing all of the information that comes into their lives.

Core to his method is PARA – a system for organizing information into Projects, Areas, Resources, and an Archive. This template brings the power of the PARA method to Notion.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für PARA Dashboard

5Uni-Verse: The Student Template

✨ Personalized Dashboard: Launch your studies with style.

📅 Flexible Class Schedule: Stay organized, never miss a class.

🚀 Deadline Tracker: Prioritize assignments effortlessly.

📝 To-Do Lists: Manage tasks seamlessly.

🗓️ Interactive Calendar: Plan, set goals, track progress.

🎵 Focus Zone: Boost productivity with Spotify and Pomodoro.

📚 Class Pages: Structured notes for each course.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Uni-Verse: The Student Template

6Cotton Candy Clouds Weekly Planner

You will benefit from this template if:
- You want a template that is easy to jot down your to-do’s
- Write down weekly reflections
- Focus on your weekly goals
- List down any ideas that just pops up!

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Cotton Candy Clouds Weekly Planner

7Notion Project Management

you can easily create project timelines, assign tasks, set deadlines, track progress, and manage your meetings - all in one place. Whether you're managing a small team or a large enterprise, this template will keep you organized and on track.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Notion Project Management

8Minimal pomodoro tracker

Stay on top of your tasks with this simple and straightforward pomodoro tracker. Designed to help you focus and achieve your goals with minimal distractions.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Minimal pomodoro tracker

9Eisenhower Matrix

The Eisenhower Matrix is a model used to prioritize tasks and determine which ones are most important. It divides up time into four quadrants: urgent and important, not urgent but important, not urgent and unimportant, and urgent but not important. Use this free organizational tool to split up work into appropriate categories and allot time accordingly.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Eisenhower Matrix

10Workout Planner

Plan workouts without problems, saving time and guaranteeing specific routines. Add exercises with series, repetitions and weight (if needed) to plan workouts faster.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Workout Planner
