Top 10 Free Job Search Templates in Notion

Organize and prioritize your job search with customized templates from Notion. Keep track of where you applied, store resumes and cover letters, and log your interviews all in one place. You really can make your job search more strategic and successful.

1Designer portfolio

A portfolio for designers or product managers, where you can showcase your featured projects, about section, and links to your social media.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Designer portfolio

2Notion Resume/ CV Template

Are you a job seeker looking for the perfect resume? Look no further than the Clean Minimalist Professional Resume. This resume is perfect for those who want to make a great first impression with potential employers.

The clean and minimal design of this resume makes it easy to read and highlights your most important information. This resume template is also fully customizable, so you can easily add or remove sections as needed.

You can wow your potential employer with a portfolio showcasing your skills and experience, complete with slick progress-bar-style visuals.

So what are you waiting for? Use this modern, easy-to-edit resume template to show employers that you are a true mover and shaker.


All-in-one, Clean and minimalistic design ith a professional layout.
Focuses on highlighting skills and work experience
Fully Customizable
Easily export as PDF

What’s inside

Add Image
Work Experience
Skills (with rating)
Side Hustle

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Notion Resume/ CV Template


Behalte den Überblick über den gesamten Bewerbungsprozess auf einer einzigen Seite. Füge ganz einfach individuell gestaltete Lebensläufe, Anschreiben und Portfolios hinzu und behalte den Überblick über die Unternehmen, bei denen du dich beworben hast.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Bewerbungen

4Minimalist Resume

How to export as PDF:
- export as HTML
- open in web browser (Mozilla Firefox worked best for me)
- change links to linkedin and github by right clicking on them and using the Inspect tool
- print as PDF (you can adjust margins etc)

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Minimalist Resume

5 Resume Builder

It will help you create your resume online for your futur jobs

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für  Resume Builder

6Interview kit

With so many talented people in our industry currently looking for their next opportunity, this template is a tool to help anyone keep track of each position of interest. Add new roles, take notes, track progression steps, and more.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Interview kit

7Minimalist resume

1. Fill the resume with your data
2. Export it as HTML
3. Open in a web browser (e.g. I recommend Mozilla Firefox) and use the Inspect tool to replace the links to linkedin and github with your personal ones
4. Print the page as PDF

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Minimalist resume


Erstelle einen attraktiven, funktionalen Lebenslauf in deinem Notion-Workspace, mache ihn öffentlich zugänglich und sende ihn über den Link mit deinen Bewerbungen. Du kannst den Lebenslauf auch nach dem Versenden weiter verbessern.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Lebenslauf

9The Preferred Job Application Tracker

These personalized templates and checklists make every interview and email interaction easier. All the important information is housed in one place to save time and brain power.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für The Preferred Job Application Tracker

10The Dream Job Hub

This template is your job-searching operating system.

It provides tactical guides, pre-built databases, and job-searching automations to speed up your job search.

Learn about job search, organize your job searching process and run one-click automations to save job posts, companies, and contacts into your Notion databases.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für The Dream Job Hub
