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Mixpanel is an event-based analytics platform for finding actionable insights in your product, marketing, and revenue data. Embed Mixpanel projects in Notion to monitor real-time metrics, view interactive, rich content and make better data-driven decisions together.

How to use

  • Paste a link of your Mixpanel project into Notion, then select Embed Mixpanel project. You can also type /mixpanel in any Notion page - a field will come up that allows you to paste in Mixpanel project links

  • To view the embed in Notion, Mixpanel will prompt you to log in. Once logged in, you and anyone else logged in who has access to the given project in Mixpanel will see interactive, rich content that updates live. To adjust Mixpanel privacy settings or make your boards public, head to the Share menu in Mixpanel

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