Ikon for forbindelse



Make helps you design, build, and automate anything - from simple tasks to complex workflows - using a powerful, no-code toolkit. With Make, you can send information between Notion and thousands of apps. Make's integration lets you connect Notion with other apps you use so that you can create custom workflows with your calendar, emails, messaging apps, marketing tools and automate database management, content changes, and more at the speed of your ideas.

How to use

You can create automated Notion workflows by selecting custom triggers, actions, and searches in Make. Follow the guide to learn more, authorize Notion and set up automated workflows between Notion and the other tools that you use.

Alle tredjepartsvaremærker (herunder logoer og ikoner), der henvises til heri, tilhører de respektive ejere. Medmindre det specifikt er angivet som Lavet af Notion, understøttes eller vedligeholdes integrationer ikke af Notion. De tredjepartsprodukter eller -tjenester, som integrationer skaber forbindelse til, er applikationer, der ikke er fra Notion (som defineret i Notions hovedabonnementsaftale eller vilkår for personlig brug, alt efter hvad der er relevant). Ved at aktivere en integration eller på anden måde bruge Notion-integrationsgalleriet accepterer du Notions vilkår for integrationsgalleriet.