En nysgerrig trio forlader papirbunken af Confluence for at vende sig mod Notions lethed og organisation.
En nysgerrig trio forlader papirbunken af Confluence for at vende sig mod Notions lethed og organisation.

Had it with Confluence?
Move to Notion in minutes

Our importer makes switching easier than ever.

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Kontakt vores salgsteam

Thousands of teams manage their knowledge with Notion

Vores Confluence-wiki var noget rod. Forskellige teams ville opdatere forskellige ting. Ingen vidste, hvad der var brugbart. Notion gav os mulighed for at samles om ét værktøj for alle.

Vijay Iyengar
Teknisk chef, Mixpanel
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Don’t just replace Confluence. Modernize all the ways you work.

Confluence, Jira and Trello are separate apps for separate things. Notion combines many tools into one, unifying your wiki, projects, and docs, and unlocking a new level of efficiency and alignment.

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Project management
Drag and drop editing
Automatic page hierarchy
Redigering i realtid
Fuld funktionalitet på mobilapp
Gantt, Kanban, Calendars, and Galleries

Switch to Notion in minutes

Stop feeling locked into your tools. Our importer lets you preserve all your formatting and migrate all your docs in one batch — even if you have thousands of them.

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Trusted to make organizations more efficient

Virksomheder, der skifter, ser gevinster hurtigt.

35%af Fortune 500 bruger Notion
98%brugere sparer tid med Notion
32 %gennemfør projekter hurtigere

When we used Confluence, people weren’t creating as much documentation as they should be. Now Notion motivates so many more people to share what they’re doing.

Dmitri Gaskin
Co-founder, Branch
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The next gen tool your team actually wants to use

We keep hearing the same thing: “Confluence is where docs go to die.”
Be the one who brings in a tool people love.

Flytter du et stort team?
Kontakt vores salgsteam

An animation showing how easy it is to drag and drop content

Engage your whole company with ease

Sig farvel til værktøjer, du skal kæmpe med for at få arbejdet gjort – uanset om du er et produkt-, ingeniør-, marketing- eller salgsteam.

Notion klarer oprettelse, redigering og organisering af indhold lynhurtigt. Ingen behøver at blive skræmt af værktøjer, der er for tekniske at bruge. Opret én hub, der forbinder og styrker alle teams.

Screen recording showing a page of different database views

Customize any workflow

Always have the perfect tool for any problem.

Notion doesn’t lock you into Agile Scrum, or any other system. Take our building blocks — databases, pages, checklists, media, embeds — and create any workspace you want.

Slut med kontekstskift

Stop med at miste timers produktivitet, ved at hoppe mellem Confluence, Jira og Trello.

I Notion kan du opbevare alle dine dokumenter direkte i dit projektstyringssystem, så alt kan findes og er lige ved hånden. Ingen forvirring, intet dobbeltarbejde, total gennemsigtighed og klar organisation.

Different organizations work and think differently. In Notion, you can create whatever workspace makes sense for your team’s shared mind.

Sai Hossain
Grundlægger, Crowdcast
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Databaser låser op for enhver arbejdsgang, du har brug for

Confluence doesn't have them.
Notion does — and they give you superpowers.

An animation showing a label for priority changing status, being dragged and dropped and an assignee being tagged in a Notion database property view

Track anything

Administrer projekter, opgaver, tilbud, personer, dokumenter, mødenotater. Uanset hvad dit team har brug for for at få succes.
An animation showing multiple views of a database tasking tracks on a timeline

Visualize your work

See your information however is most helpful to you — as a table, board, calendar, etc.

Make a seamless transition

Our Enterprise plan has the features you need to move your large team from Confluence and upgrade your workflows while you’re at it.

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Dedikeret succesleder

Your own customer success manager to help onboard large teams and create custom workflows. Reserved for teams larger than 100 paying annually.

Advanced permissions

Ekstra tilladelseskontrolelementer for at forhindre visse medarbejdere i at dele sider eksternt, deaktivere gæster og angive regler på arbejdsområdeniveau.

Custom contracting

Vi samarbejder med dig om at oprette en brugerdefineret kontrakt og betaling via PO/faktura. Reserveret til virksomhedskonti med over 100 brugere.

Unlimited version history

Access version history of any page indefinitely, not just 30 days.


Automate user provisioning and management. Create, remove, add, update, or retrieve any user or group.

Bulk PDF export

Export all of your content at once as PDFs. Handy for legal or compliance backups.

Tusindvis af teams administrerer deres viden med Notion

Hyppigt stillede spørgsmål

How can I import my Confluence workspace into Notion?

You can copy your entire Confluence workspace into Notion in just a few clicks! Just follow the instructions in our Import Guide.

Does imported content count towards the storage limit for Free Plans with multiple members?

No, imported blocks will not count towards the limit. However, any blocks subsequently created inside imported pages will count towards the limit as usual.

Is there a maximum import size?

Confluence imports are limited to 2.5GB each. If you run into the limit, you can try using the Custom Export option in Confluence to select pages for export, omitting attachment-heavy pages.

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