Ikon for forbindelse



GitHub helps development teams and companies build, ship, and maintain their software. Use the power of Notion with GitHub to connect your workflows and help your teams collaborate in one place.

Bring GitHub pull requests and issues directly into Notion with link previews. Use a synced database to bring full GitHub repositories into Notion as databases – and use database filters, views, rollups, and relations to create custom views for every team. Create GitHub Pull Request property inside your Notion databases to enable automatic updates of your tasks in Notion and help everyone stay on the same page.

How to use

  • To create a preview of GitHub content in Notion, paste any GitHub link into Notion, then select Paste as preview. You can also type /github in any Notion page and a menu will appear, allowing you to paste links directly

  • To sync data from your GitHub repository into a Notion database, copy a GitHub link, paste it into Notion and select Paste as database. A new Notion database will appear, with all GitHub properties automatically added

  • To link your GitHub pull requests to items in your Notion database, just add add a new property to your database using the + button at the top right and select GitHub Pull Requests. The integration will automatically update the status of your tasks in Notion based on the GitHub pull request status

Alle tredjepartsvaremærker (herunder logoer og ikoner), der henvises til heri, tilhører de respektive ejere. Medmindre det specifikt er angivet som Lavet af Notion, understøttes eller vedligeholdes integrationer ikke af Notion. De tredjepartsprodukter eller -tjenester, som integrationer skaber forbindelse til, er applikationer, der ikke er fra Notion (som defineret i Notions hovedabonnementsaftale eller vilkår for personlig brug, alt efter hvad der er relevant). Ved at aktivere en integration eller på anden måde bruge Notion-integrationsgalleriet accepterer du Notions vilkår for integrationsgalleriet.