Ikon for forbindelse



Install Notion's integration with Datadog to manage and monitor your workspace activity in Datadog Cloud SIEM. You can import your workspace's audit logs for real-time monitoring, alerting, and analysis. From there, you can detect and investigate potential security issues, suspicious behavior, and troubleshoot access with confidence and ease.

How to use

Only Notion Connections can install this integration as part of the Notion Enterprise plan.

  1. When inside Notion as a Workspace Owner, navigate to Settings & members Connections → open the Workspace tab

  2. Click Connect on the Datadog tile → Connect to Datadog

  3. Authenticate with your Datadog credentials by selecting your organization

  4. Note: currently, one Datadog instance can only be connected to at most one workspace

  5. You can find additional instructions in Datadog documentation here

Alle tredjepartsvaremærker (herunder logoer og ikoner), der henvises til heri, tilhører de respektive ejere. Medmindre det specifikt er angivet som Lavet af Notion, understøttes eller vedligeholdes integrationer ikke af Notion. De tredjepartsprodukter eller -tjenester, som integrationer skaber forbindelse til, er applikationer, der ikke er fra Notion (som defineret i Notions hovedabonnementsaftale eller vilkår for personlig brug, alt efter hvad der er relevant). Ved at aktivere en integration eller på anden måde bruge Notion-integrationsgalleriet accepterer du Notions vilkår for integrationsgalleriet.