
Typeform's product team turns research into a better user experience

Typeform lets anyone create beautiful, interactive forms online. Its product team uses Notion to document user research, feedback, and ideas so all teams can base their work in what people actually want.

Indsigt fra

Matthias Kentzia

Product Manager

Use cases
Project Management og Notes

A system to identify product opportunities

Because feedback comes from many sources, product manager Matthias Kentzia needed a standardized process to explore each request. All suggested improvements live in one database. In Notion, he can use the same template every time to define the problem, link any customer feedback, and scope potential solutions. That way, every opportunity is considered with the same set of criteria. One click, and he has a replicated page that helps him make deliberate choices.

checklist illustration
Typeform explores every product opportunity using the same template.
Templates in Notion ensure we're applying the same framework to every problem.
Matthias Kentzia
Matthias Kentzia
Product Manager

Prioritizing the most impactful work

From a long list of ideas, how do you choose which to execute? Matthias uses a Notion database to store and tag every product opportunity. This allows him to use a formula to calculate the exact number of times users have mentioned a related bug or feature.

With user feedback to drive them, Typeform's product team can make sure they're working on the most important projects. If team members are wondering how a decision was made, they can open each opportunity as its own page, which houses all the data that was considered.

Typeform related database user feedback
Aggregating feature requests can be a quick way to identify what’s important.
Very quickly, I can see what's worth exploring further. If a problem has been mentioned by many customers, I'll dig in deeper.
Matthias Kentzia
Matthias Kentzia
Product Manager

All teams connected to get the job done

Product managers collaborate with several teams to roll out new features and set strategy. Before, Typeform's teams collected information separately. Now, product can collaborate on the company roadmap with different teams like marketing, customer success, and legal. When someone writes a proposal, all teams can tag each other, comment, and share. Everyone can see the final decision and who's doing what for each project.

Chain link illustration
Teams across Typeform share proposals in Notion so everyone can give feedback.
No one knew where anything was, so different teams were building different plans. Now, we have one place in Notion where it's all written down.
Matthias Kentzia
Matthias Kentzia
Product Manager

A single source of truth for rapidly changing projects

Product managers are responsible for keeping track of A/B test results from the data team, customer interviews from the sales team, progress made by engineering, and more. Before, this data was scattered across the company, making it difficult to fully visualize product improvements. Now Matthias can build one page that serves as a dashboard for all this information and pulls in excerpts from each of these databases located elsewhere in the workspace.

"What I really like about Notion is the ability to link things together. I have one place for all my research. It's the central source of truth for every project," says Matthias.

Typeform Figma Embed
A page can contain multiple content types to consolidate information for one project.

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Notion is free to try and works across many devices.

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