About Notion

En historie om værktøjer og fremtidens arbejde

An illustration of several people working on computers at their desk

Hi there! If you're reading this, you're probably like me—spending most of your days in your office, in front of a computer.

An illustration of a person leaving their chair and walking away

Du har sandsynligvis femten faner åbne: en til e-mail, en til Slack, en til Google Docs og så videre og så videre ...Men har du nogensinde tænkt over, hvor disse "arbejdsværktøjer" kom fra? Eller hvorfor der er så mange af dem?For at besvare disse spørgsmål og forklare, hvorfor vi skabte Notion, er vi nødt til at rejse tilbage i tiden.

A photo of people working in a factory during the industrial revolution

As people flooded to factories during the Industrial Revolution, many tools were invented to ease the management overload.Typewriters replaced illegible handwriting. File cabinets stored more information than any clerk could remember (and also won the gold medal at the 1893 Chicago World's Fair!)Tools like these paved the way for offices as we know them today.

Et foto af mennesker, der arbejder ved en stor computer i midten af det 20. århundrede

Spol frem til 1950'erne, hvor computere kom ind på arbejdspladsen.Først var de livløse monstre, som fyldte hele rummet og fungerede på papir og hulkort. De blev udelukkende brugt til beregninger.

An illustration of a person celebrating several documents

Then something magical happened in the 1970s!A generation of pioneers saw the computer as something far beyond a number-crunching machine. They dreamt a future where computers could amplify imagination (Alan Kay), augment intellect (Doug Engelbart), and expand our thoughts far beyond text on paper (Ted Nelson).A tool unlike anything we have seen before.

An illustration of a person sitting on top of a video player

Men sådan gik det ikke. Ifølge legenden gik der mange subtile, men afgørende forskelle tabt, da Steve Jobs "lånte" idéerne bag personlige computere fra Xerox PARC. Tryk på play og lyt til manden selv.

En illustration af skrivemaskiner og arkivskabe med en person, der trækker på skuldrene i forvirring over disse genstande

And that's where we are today.Google Docs made typewriters multiplayer. Dropbox brought file cabinets to the cloud. But conceptually, they evolved little beyond their Industrial Revolution ancestors.We duct-tape everything together with emails, copy/paste, and countless open tabs.

An illustration of a person taming a floating mess of documents

Det er her, Notion kommer ind i billedet. Vi ønsker at bryde med nutidens værktøjer – og bringe nogle af ideerne fra disse tidlige pionerer tilbage.Som et første skridt blander vi meget af din arbejdsgang i et alt-i-et-arbejdsområde. Vil du have en opgaveliste? En produktkøreplan? Et designlager? De er nu alle samlet ét sted. Du kan endda tilpasse dit eget arbejdsområde fra dusinvis af LEGO-lignende byggeklodser.Løs dine problemer på din måde, kun afgrænset af din fantasi.

An illustration of several people working at their desks in excitement and waving

Hopefully you've gotten a good sense of why we started Notion. Challenging the status quo is not an easy task. Check out the product! Write in! We need early adopters like you to start a movement. See you soon!

The best way to predict the future is to invent it.
Alan Kay, computerpioner

Tilmeld dig

Notion is based in the sunny Mission district of San Francisco. We are a diverse group of people interested in computing, history, art, alternative programming languages, and skateboarding.

Interested in joining us? Learn more here 👈

Vores investorer

We are fortunate to work with some of the best investors in the world. Chances are you are already using the products they helped to create.
An illustrated headshot of Shana Fisher

Shana Fisher

Investor in Pinterest, Stripe, Hackpad, Paper/FiftyThree.

An illustrated headshot of Naval Ravikant

Naval Ravikant

Founder of AngelList. Investor in Twitter, Uber, Yammer.

An illustrated headshot of Ram Shriram

Ram Shriram

Partner at Sherpalo Ventures. Investor and board member of Google.

An illustrated headshot of Josh Kopelman

Josh Kopelman

Partner at First Round Capital. Investor in Uber, LinkedIn.

An illustrated headshot of Phin Barnes

Phin Barnes

Partner at First Round Capital. Investor in Blue Apron, Clearbit.

An illustrated headshot of Aydin Senkut

Aydin Senkut

Partner hos Felicis Ventures. Investor i Shopify, Fitbit.

An illustrated headshot of Matt Macinnis

Matt Macinnis

Founder of Inkling. Investor in Clever, Zenefits.

An illustrated headshot of Elad Gil

Elad Gil

Ex-VP at Twitter. Investor in Airbnb, Stripe, Square, Pinterest.

An illustrated headshot of Mike Vernal

Mike Vernal

Partner i Sequoia Capital. Tidligere vicedirektør for platform hos Facebook.

An illustrated headshot of Ronny Conway

Ronny Conway

Partner at ACapital. Investor in Pinterest, Reddit, Coinbase.

An illustrated headshot of Lachy Groom

Lachy Groom

Early employee at Stripe. Investor in Figma, Front, Superhuman.

An illustrated headshot of Daniel Gross

Daniel Gross

Founder of Pioneer. Ex-founder of Cue. Ex-Partner at Y-Combinator.

An illustrated headshot of Sarah Cannon

Sarah Cannon

Partner at Index Ventures. Ex-policy adviser of the White House.

An illustrated headshot of Caryn Marooney

Caryn Marooney

Ex-VP of Communications at Facebook. Board member of Zendesk, Elastic.

I nyhederne

Just a few of the stories about Notion in the tech and business press.