Here’s my update on Week 1 of my project on how to use Zendesk to streamline customer support efforts, if you want to see more about my project click here!

Main Focus

Find a website that could use a chat box or get an upgrade. Then decide on what tech tool I wanted to use and look over and find how to use it in different ways.

What I learned

Zendesk has many features that can help streamline customer service efforts which are automatic messaging, creating snippets for long paragraphs, and showing analytics. I will use all these features to show how you can make an efficient chatbot. To watch a video on what I did click here!

What I accomplished

Found a chatbox that I can easily learn and use, and a website that I will use as an example by using their FAQ page answers to put into my chatbot settings. To look at a blog I wrote about customer success click here!

My Plans For Next Week

My plan for next week is to learn how to properly install Zendesk onto your website. So ill be using my own website as an example and show how everything works!

To see what progress I made in Week 2 of my project you can just click here!