We know we have an active developer community who love to develop their own personal productivity tools, so we want to make sure you're in on the gamification action. We've made it easy for you to submit new wins, anywhere, anytime.

  1. Get your api_key from the account page

  2. Send a POST request to: https://n8n.x3.family/webhook/new-win


curl --location --request POST '<https://n8n.x3.family/webhook/new-win>'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--data-raw '{
 "api_key": "YOUR API KEY"
 "name": "YOUR WIN NAME"

Body must include:

Parameter Format Purpose
api_key Text Makes sure the win is correctly attributed to you.
name Text Indicate what type of win you have accomplished.

eg. Goal, Key Result, Project, Task, Daily Quest, etc. |


Parameter Format Purpose
type Text Indicate what type of win you have accomplished.

eg. Goal, Key Result, Project, Task, Daily Quest, etc.

Default: Task | | do_date | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601 | Indicate when you wanted to work on the win.

Default: Today | | closing_date | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601 | Indicate when you completed the win.

Default: Today | | difficulty | Number | Indicate how much of a multiplier this win should be affected by.

eg. 1, 2, 5, etc.

Default: 1 Maximum: 10 | | upstream | Text | Describe the name of the upstream item. | | area | Text | Describe the area of competence the win improves. | | database_nickname | Text | Indicate which database the win is from (ie. success plan, etc.) | | impact | Text | Indicate the impact it has made in your life.

eg. 10x, 5x, High, Low, etc. |


Response codes are a WIP. If you're experiencing any expected issues, please reach out via the chatbot in the bottom right of the screen.

Send Wins Via API To The App!