We’ve made it easy for you to decide which system suits you best.

We have 2 fundamental core systems to help you make life better. The Be Intentional Series sets you up to be intentional in everything you do so you can achieve your goals and find more meaning in your life. On the other hand, Gamify Your Life is a one-of-a-kind template suite that increases productivity by building gamification into your everyday life.

Be Intentional helps you stay organized and ensure your efforts lead you to the success you want. It starts by helping you define your WHY and WHAT. True intentionality lies when you make decisions with a full understanding of why you are doing it, and what you hope to achieve with your actions.

Its a complete system to start you on your journey to building a second brain. On top of ensuring you are on top of your Success Plan, it also helps you maintain your daily habits. It also is a reflective journal to help you plan out your day and track what you have been grateful for and mistakes you can learn from.

We’ve designed databases to help you track everything important in your life - from your Network (personal CRM), a knowledge hub, meal planning, and so much more. See all the components and dashboards offered in this package →

In contrast, Gamify Your Life helps you build the motivation and focus to get things done by making work fun. It turns your boring system into an exciting adventure where you build up your real life character and level up. Learn more →

If you're looking for a comprehensive system that will help you be intentional AND highly motivated to get things done, check out L-CTRL which seamlessly combines both packages together.

Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.