Find your voice and discover ways to share your creativity with the world.

Create meaningful, inspiring content that reaches the right audience**.** We’ve learned so much about the creation process through building our content funnels on social media, blogs, and more - and we want to pass on the learnings to you so you can kickstart your creative journey and start sharing with the world.

Get the tools you need to share your content with the world and build a passionate and supportive community that cares about your work.

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✍ Creator's Toolkit - Co-x3 Toolbox 🧰

What’s Included In This System?


Type Usage Main Purpose Blueprint
Writer’s Guild Dashboard Daily Drivers


Type Main Purpose Blueprint
Writer’s Guild Component
Channels Component Identify which marketing channels and platforms your content will be published on.
Messaging Modules Component Align your personas, storylines and themes.
Letters Component Track content projects like articles, podcasts, videos, etc. through stages of development. Store research, notes, recordings, visual assets, and drafts inside each card.
Online Communities Component
Persona Details Component Who is your audience and who are your writing for?

An Introduction To Creator's Toolkit