Top 10 Retrospective Templates for Product Analysts

Retrospectives offer a structured reflection on projects, helping product analysts to identify what worked, what didn’t, and how processes can be improved for future projects. Utilizing a Retrospective template can streamline these evaluations, ensuring consistent, thorough, and focused analysis, thus aiding in the development of actionable insights for team and project enhancements. Before beginning to craft your own Retrospective templates, it might be helpful to explore the ones outlined below to simplify and enrich the process.

1Meeting Tracker

Track 1-1 or Retro activities

A template preview for Meeting Tracker


Our Retrospective template facilitates efficient post-project reflection. It comes with designated sections for discussing what went well, areas needing improvement, innovative ideas, and future action items. Its interactive feature even logs who added each point, promoting transparency and accountability. This organized approach aids in learning from past experiences and planning effective strategies for future projects.

A template preview for Retrospective

3OKR Setting and Retrospective

OKR formulation and retrospective can be used to set clear goals, continuously improve performance, and review and improve the achievement of objectives.

A template preview for OKR Setting and Retrospective

4Team Time Capsule: Yearly Retrospective

End the year with a bang and start the new one with a plan!

Ready to wrap up the year with some style, substance, and a sprinkle of fun? The 'Team Time Capsule” is perfect for the occasion. It will help you and your team look back at the year and prepare for the next one.

Why This Template?

Perfect for teams: Designed for any team ready to reflect on their year and plan ahead.

Easy to use: Simple, structured exercises guide you through a comprehensive retrospective.

Simplicity meets depth: deep reflection exercises packed in an easy, breezy format.

Builds cohesion: Strengthens team spirit and aligns everyone for the upcoming challenges

When to Use?

Perfect for that year-end huddle or a January kick-off. You can also adapt it to the end of semester or quarterly reviews.

Designed for teams from 4 to 8 – if you want to adapt for a bigger team, send me a message after purchasing and we can find a way around.

Find a cozy corner, maybe some snacks, and get ready to retrospect!

A template preview for Team Time Capsule: Yearly Retrospective

5Agile Retrospective Template

Identify how to improve teamwork by reflecting on what worked, what didn’t, and why. Run a Retrospective with your team every couple of weeks or at the end of a project milestone and track the session using this template

A template preview for Agile Retrospective Template

6Software Development Retrospective

The best template to run a retrospective in notion. It leverages formulas to show only enough information about how many people agree with or want to discuss a subject.

This board has two steps: 1) In the first one, you can add cards and vote without being influenced by other people's votes. 2) In the second step, you can see a summary of how many people voted to agree or discuss without seeing who it was. This helps remove bias when discussing a card.

You can always open the card and see who voted, but you can choose not to. Anonymity is not the goal of this board.

A template preview for Software Development Retrospective

7DAKI Agile Retrospective

Provides a structured approach to reflect on team performance and identify areas for improvement.

Increases productivity by identifying and addressing inefficiencies in the team's processes. Improves communication among team members by encouraging open and honest feedback. Leads to more successful project outcomes by continuously improving team performance. Can be used as a valuable tool for continuous improvement within the team or organization.

A template preview for DAKI Agile Retrospective

8Run Retrospectives with Rootly

A good retrospective is key to helping companies improve their overall system reliability. This template provides incident response teams with a quick and an organized way to create retrospectives following an incident. This will not only save time for the team, but also document all content in a consistent manner.

A template preview for Run Retrospectives with Rootly

9Lessons Learned Log

Elevate your project management with the Notion Lessons Learned Log, a dynamic tool designed to transform challenges into learning opportunities. It offers a structured approach to document key takeaways, actionable recommendations, and team feedback from every project phase. This comprehensive log not only enhances project strategies but also promotes a culture of learning and adaptation within your team. With its user-friendly format, it’s an essential asset for any project manager seeking to refine their approach and achieve greater success in future endeavors

A template preview for Lessons Learned Log


Retrospectives are critical in college, whether you're facing disappointments in academics or career, falling-outs or breakups, the end of a long semester/job, or particularly tumultuous eras of life. In this extremely simple template, retrospectives ("retros") are organized by year, each with its own page; each page provides a space in which to dig into how and why your significant life events have shaped you.

Each page is also organized with #headers so you can use the "Table of contents" feature (/ + table of contents) to get a bird’s eye view of each page. Additionally, looking at your Retros page is always a reminder that if you made it through those days, you can make it through these :)

A template preview for Retrospectives

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