Digital Content Design Spring 2020 (ATCM 3301)


Office: N/A

Office hours: By Appointment

Email: [email protected]

Class Website: (Current Corses)

Lecture (3301.503): 7:00 - 8:15pm M/W Blackboard Collaborate Link

Lecture (3301.504): 8:30 - 9:45pm M/W Blackboard Collaborate Link

Location: Blackboard Collaborate

📜 Course Description

This writing intensive course focuses on the genres of writing associated with arts, technology, and emerging communication. ATCM 3301 trains students in the process of writing about media (animation, design, games, and so forth) for a variety of audiences. Writing assignments and presentations prepare students for the types of writing that are common in the media and cultural industries. Assignments include formal analysis, interpretation, the personal or artist’s statement, and project proposals.

This semester is a rare opportunity to consider your body of work so far, and think about what you’ve done in the past and where you might want to head in the future. You’ll be asked to reflect on your work and plan out new projects. At its core, this is a writing class, so expect to write. Expect to rewrite. Expect to work closely with your classmates to refine and rethink your work.

<aside> ❗ It's best to join the class session by logging into eLearning. This way, it will log your name automatically. Please log into the Digital Content Design room.


<aside> 🚧 Please not the updated schedule and switch to online learning. We'll be using eLearning (Blackboard's) Collaborate feature. There are links to the video conference on the online version of this syllabus, the class website in ‣ and in your eLearning account. Everything will be recorded, in case you cannot access at the schedule class period.


Course Policies

🧰 What You'll Get Out of This Class

This class will give you the ability to quickly analyze complex ideas and present complex ideas of your own. You'll leave this class with a better understanding of your own work and the ability to communicate your work to others. As a group, we will focus on:

💡Helpful Writing Tools

These are the writing and organization tools that I will mention during the semester. They all have a free option. I’ll add to this list as we go through the semester.