Are you responsible for creating the next catalog for your B2B company?

At PandaSuite, we understand the significant considerations surrounding this kind of project. 😉

We acknowledge that the sales catalog serves not only as a communication tool for your company but also as a reflection of your brand image and a strategic way to introduce your offerings to your clients.

This project is utilized in various scenarios by your sales team, at trade shows, or available on your website in PDF format, making it a cross-cutting initiative within your organization.

Now, are you wondering how to digitize your catalog or enhance its interactivity? 🤔 You are not alone: 89% of companies have already embraced or plan to adopt a digital-first business strategy (Digital Adoption).

Whether due to ecological motives, budgetary concerns, or the aspiration to provide unique digital experiences, an increasing number of companies are opting for interactive catalogs.

This format is both captivating and engaging:

Having assisted numerous companies, we have compiled the most common questions our clients have had concerning this topic. We have created this article to support you in your deliberations.

What is a digital catalog?

A digital catalog is a digital version of the catalog, enriched with features that allow users to engage more with the content.