Last Wednesday, Sound unveiled the Sound Protocol, a permissionless, open-source, modular smart contract framework for musicians and creators. It was inspired by many protocols in the web3 ecosystem and brought to bear a lot of the things we’ve learned while iterating on the first set of contracts we deployed nearly a year ago. Its main features are:



Core Contracts & Interfaces


This contract is the first point of contact for an artist. It is a simple, non-upgradable factory which only has one job: deploy minimal proxies (clones) of SoundEditionV1 & initialize them with customizable configurations. The function for doing this is createSoundAndMints, which accepts encoded calldata for initializing the edition, as well as an arbitrary list of contract addresses and calldata used for setting up minter configurations for the edition.


This is the NFT contract that represents songs (or albums, mixtapes, etc). It’s an implementation of the highly gas-optimized ERC721A. The main thing that sets it apart from the typical NFT contract is it can implement optional module contracts that augment or override the base functionality of metadata, minting, and payments (primary & secondary revenue).


Metadata modules