If you want to keep track in detail as to how you spend your time, it can be useful to track time spent in meetings. This gives you a better sense of how much time you spend on deep work (Lifeline sessions) versus how much time you're in meetings.

You can launch meeting tracking through several ways:

  1. Select Start meeting from the taskbar dropdown menu and select the time you expect to be in a meeting
  2. Use the Start/Stop meeting shortcut
  3. Connect your Calendar, and Lifeline reminds you at the scheduled meeting time to start the meeting
  4. Start a meeting early right-clicking a future event on your Lifeline and selecting ▢️ Start.

Breaks and rewards

Meeting time counts toward your recommended break time, as you should rest after meetings.

You don’t receive πŸ… and points for time spent in meetings. Our philosophy is that meetings are a necessary evil; they can be useful and should not be banned altogether, but it's not where deep work happens. This is why Lifeline treats meetings as neutral: no penalty, but also no rewards.

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