I once met a woman in late 2021 who was on a mission to end loneliness

As a dance therapist, I think how she incorporated nature and dance was very ingenious - she successfully created a breakthrough for myself during the pandemic that didn’t require physical touch like micro fusion

I just started reading A Theory of Everything and while I have to confirm the exact references, it sounds completely in alignment with raising our consciousness.

I was recently invited to explore the possibility of expanding Jubensha into the US market.

While doing market research on Gen Z (the generation fueling the explosion of Jubensha), I stumbled into this article:

Why Are Millennials And Gen Z The Loneliest Generations?

The need to connect with others is an innate, evolutionary drive. So when the world was sent into a series of lockdowns due to the pandemic, a whole new epidemic set in: loneliness.

The zero-COVID mandate in China meant lockdowns happened for a much longer period of time than the United States. The Chinese experienced a whole other magnitude of loneliness - and one that felt out of their control!

Of all the myths around mental health and social isolation, one of the hardest to wrap our heads around is that loneliness isn’t about not having anyone in your life, or the physical circumstance of, say, being alone on a Friday night.

I’m single and been hyperfocused the last 4 weeks. The following has kept me plenty occupied with no desire to have others around (in fact, it would just be a distraction):

  1. reevaluating my life - reworking both my personal business model and model for Weave Your Legacy - with an intent to rewrite my 1-page personal statement.
  2. tinkering with my computer and online infrastructure (with minimal social interaction, my phone and iPad Pro both appear to be permanently in Focus states!)
  3. getting absorbed in retro - it’s so easy for me to get completely absorbed assuming I can devote my focus & attention to it! (yes, I’ll lose sleep over the desire to complete an RPG for example!)
  4. meditation - I experience a lot of peace when I choose to be with my thoughts and most importantly, my body (like really waking up to The Joy of Burnout)

The funny thing is when I’m in the zone, I don’t really turn to passive activities like TV (though i’d be lying if I didn’t acknowledge it was occasional! I’m just aware I’m not dominated by it)

The next step in leveling up this experience is getting back into programming - and the kind of programming I think would be ideal for my future is to leverage a Knowledge Graphs course I completed over the pandemic inside my commitment to a Wellbeing Commons.

Single people who live alone may experience no yearning for others, just as people surrounded by friends and loved ones may still feel the pang of loneliness.

Live in Tokyo for 3 months and you’ll quickly experience being surrounded by an insane number of people (esp at the Shibuya crossing) yet feel strangely disconnected.

“While the digital world is seen as a social space, you usually don’t get the deeper connections that humans need (and get) from real life”