An introduction to the toolkit

This toolkit, developed by PUBLIC in partnership with LOTI, aims to equip London boroughs with the knowledge, guidance, resources and functional tools needed to achieve more innovative purchasing outcomes when buying technology products, services and support.

The toolkit was developed through conversations and workshops with technology, service and procurement leaders across London boroughs: as well as in conversations with large and small suppliers. Take a look here for a more detailed outline of our process in developing this toolkit.

It has a focus on innovation and 'agile' procurement, including how boroughs can work more with startups, scaleups, SMEs and local suppliers. Another key theme of the toolkit outlines opportunities for London boroughs to work together on technology procurements with similar service needs and priorities.

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> The toolkit is not an exhaustive step-by-step guide or standard operating procedure for how to execute every procurement. Instead it provides advice on common pain points to equip boroughs with the tools they need to procure technology in a more innovative, agile and collaborative way.


How to use the toolkit


The toolkit progresses throughout the 'life-cycle' of a procurement, moving from the process of collecting and preparing services requirements, through to managing the contract with a chosen supplier. The guidance sections are broken down across five discrete stages:

Preparation - General background practices and processes that can be used by London boroughs every day, which are not linked to any specific procurement.

Strategy - Once a procurement has begun, this is the strategic planning and requirements gathering phase, including user testing, and early market engagement.

Design - Having gathered user needs, and completed the relevant strategic assessments, this phase relates to designing the right specifications and contract requirements.

Execution - This phase covers how to run the best procurement process, including choosing the right procedure and contracting route.

Management - Having selected a supplier and awarded a contract, this phase covers how to best manage suppliers, to ensure continuous improvement and innovation.


Each of the 24 steps outlined in the diagram above has its own page, with different resources, tools and guidance. You can navigate through the pages from the Home Page, or through scrolling through the forward, back and page links you'll find on each page.

Alternatively, we've also grouped collections of guidance together for specific audiences in the Guidebooks section, including:

15 Essential Activities

8 Additional Activities

Guide To Collaboration

Guide To Market Engagement