Most (not all!) pages have a comments section at the bottom of the page where you can ask a question, leave your feedback, or reply to other readers in discussion threads.

I'm using Commento for the embeddable comments section. You can learn more here: About this Website (or leave a comment, ask a question! 😄).

Login or create a profile!

If you login to Commento, you can set your name and a profile picture. It's easy to create an account, and you can sign in with some existing social media if that's convenient too (Google & Twitter). To create an account, just click Login on the right-hand side and follow the prompts.

Quickly making an account and logging in is the best way, because:

  1. I can see who you are! It's nice to know and interact with my readership.
  2. Your comments will show up automatically.
  3. You only have to do it once! Your browser ought to remember you from then on.

If you choose to comment anonymously (which you can) - this is fast and easy, but anonymous comments won't show up straightaway as they must first be moderated and approved.

So while it's 'quicker' to comment anonymously - it's not really.

Other ways to give feedback

Check out the Get in Contact page to learn of other ways to reach out.

Why not try it out? Say hi! 👇