RFP-5: Community Hubs

Deadline: 15 August

The Climate Impact Community Hub would focus on providing space and time for stakeholders to meet together in person about ongoing subjects of research and collaboration. Filecoin Green, Celo and Toucan welcome the opportunity to take our learnings from organizing recurring events like Sustainable Blockchain Summit, Celo Connect Salon, and Re:Generate and to create an inclusive, accessible and vibrant connection point in the craziness of DevCon. We're excited to be joined in this proposal by emerging ReFi pals Hyphen, Astral and disCarbon, and hope to combine forces with other proposers as it mutually benefits all of us.

The Climate Impact community hub encourages tying together threads being explored across SBS, Celo Connect, Re:Generate and other community events across ETH conferences and beyond. We seek to foster collaboration within and across ReFi, social impact and public good projects, in particular creating space to bring in more diverse perspectives to ensure that standards, practices and far-reaching decisions our community makes are truly transparent and open-source.

Opening hours — approximately 10 am - 6 pm throughout DevCon, but may vary as each day's schedule comes together.

