
I am highly interested in data analytics, engineering and visualizations as my goal is to be a Data Engineer Professional. There are so many resources out there which I'd like to share. I strongly believe that have a solid foundation in statistics, data visualizations and core concepts is and will be high requirement for leaders in IT, Finance, Telecommunications and Government. Having this ensures that more solid decisions will be made with the best impact on company, customers, and the environment. You'll find below a list of intro-level resources I found to be valuable and interesting.

Hello 👋 ,

Currently, I am pursuing a Data Engineering Certificate with Udacity

There are 15 active programs and currently they're having discounts for up to 75% off. I have that one and its only 99$/mth. Why Udacity over others?

Udacity has all the critical factors to deliver real results:

As you can tell, I am a fan of Udacity. But wait! There's More!

Other notable programs and resources:

  1. Grow with Google. (It's Free!)
  2. kaggle
  3. freeCodeCamp (help people learn to code for free)
  4. Data Analysis with Python
  5. Data Visualization
  6. KDnuggets