Introduction to Manifold Markets


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Community guidelines


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Community Guidelines

We believe users should have autonomy over their own markets as much as possible. Our philosophy is to keep moderation to a minimum and empower users with tools to control the content that they want to see. That being said, our site is still small and inflammatory/spammy messages can have a disproportionally large effect on the quality of our site. So we hope our users strive to be excellent to one another as you can help shape the culture of our site as we grow.

<aside> đź’ˇ Note that these are guidelines, not rules. They are not written to cover every possible situation, nor are they ironclad. Good participation in the Manifold community includes getting a sense of the prevailing norms.


General expectations

Below we have outlined a list of some examples of circumstances that could result in warnings or moderation of some kind. This is not an inclusive list, so please refer to the general expectations or ask an admin if you are unsure about something.

Account rules

Resolving markets

We expect market creators to decide on the correct resolution and resolve their markets accordingly.

Types of markets subject to delisting

Delisted markets do not show up on the home page, but can still be found through the search bar, profile pages, and groups. Users can choose to delist a market during the creation process.

Admins may choose to delist a market for the reasons below. We intend to use this sparingly. We won’t always delist the types of markets below, it will be a relatively subjective process. Upon doing so we will inform the creator in the comments of the reason and any actions they can take for it to be relisted. We don’t intend to shadowban anyone’s content.

Types of content subject to N/A or deletion

Users who post this type of content may be banned from posting content. They may also have their mana balance partially or fully reduced if related to fraud.

Insider trading

Unlike many other places, Manifold encourages you to make markets more accurate by trading based on private information you might have. (This is sometimes referred to as “insider trading”). As long as you didn’t have some other duty to keep the information private, such as:

the Manifold community welcomes insider trades. Caveat emptor!

Keep in mind…


Account rules

Resolving markets

Types of markets subject to delisting

Types of content subject to deletion