👋 Hello! My name's Farza. Founder of Zip.

General Info

The goal of this is pretty simple. We want to create a few mock-ups for a product we have in mind that we can show customers and perhaps even put on our landing page to gauge interest + get feedback.

Zip builds software to help homeschoolers. In the midst of all the craziness w/ COVID-19, millions are now in the situation where they need to homeschool their kids since schools are shutdown. We have the curriculum in the form of daily lesson plans. Now, we're building a way for users to get these daily lesson plans straight from a web app where they can login, see the lessons, complete them, and navigate to different lessons for different days. We wanna make it really easy and beautiful for parents to get activities for their children they can complete at home.

Let me explain a little more.

Here's an example lesson plan for kindergarten we have in Google Docs:


Notice how:

We're mainly working on our backend right now, but here's what the rough UI looks like at the moment:


Certainly not pretty, but notice how: