Notion 2.17, now with Synced Databases, status property & more

Synced Databases, now in open beta

See up-to-date information about your Jira tickets & GitHub PRs, all synced into Notion as a database. When changes are made outside of Notion, Synced Databases update automatically. Use database features like views, filters, relations & rollups to easily share and connect information across your team.

  • Give cross-functional teams immediate visibility into your sprints, even if they don’t have a Jira or GitHub login. Folks across the company — from leadership to individual contributors, marketing to sales — can see information from Jira & GitHub without leaving Notion.

  • Use relations to connect your GitHub PRs to your tasks database in Notion, or your Jira tickets to a company goals database. Then use rollups to see detailed info about each item, like project status, or a timestamp for the most recent edit.

Synced Databases will be available in open beta, rolling out to everyone in the coming weeks. If you don't see it yet, you will soon!

Status property

Your databases have a new, purpose-built status property for assigning status to your projects or tasks. Get a clear view of what needs to be done, what’s in progress, and what’s completed — without the hassle of manually configuring a custom property on every new project database.

  • Status options are grouped by category: To-Do, In progress and Complete, so that it’s easier to organize, group, filter, and view.

  • Each property comes pre-loaded with 3 options. Edit or add as many options as you need to fit your workflow, and customize colors.

  • Display your status property as familiar select tags, or convenient checkboxes.

Improved database relations

Connect your databases to each other, with newly improved relation properties.

  • The relation picker has a new design, allowing you to find and add pages from the related database with ease.

  • See a preview of information from the other database, right on the relation property. Just click the ••• at the upper right corner of the relation picker, and select which properties you’d like to display on your relation.

  • Relations are faster and more responsive, letting you work more efficiently.

Request access to pages

Colleague sent you a link to a Notion page, but you don’t have permission to view? Before, you would see an error message, instructing you to reach out to the page owner.

Now, you can simply click the Request access button, and add an optional note. This triggers a notification to all the folks with Full Access permission to the page, then they can confirm or deny your request.

Bug fixes & improvements

  • For new API features & improvements, go to →

  • Comments are easier to read and use, thanks to improved density, spacing, truncation logic, animations, and more.

  • The person property now has an optional 1 person limit, allowing you to restrict tasks & projects that should have a single owner.
