
Import from Monday.com

HC: Import from Monday.com

Easily import your data from Monday into Notion 📥

The Monday.com importer helps you bring your Monday.com boards and all the data within them into Notion.

Note: At this time, our Monday.com importer only supports Projects and Tasks type boards. Check or change your board type in Monday.com by following the instructions to customize item terminology in this article.

How Monday.com maps to Notion

  • If you import a task board and related projects, we’ll import the tasks into the task database and create a project in the project database using the task board’s name.

  • If you import a task board without any related projects, we’ll important the tasks into the task database and create a project in the project database using the task board’s name.

  • Every teamspace in Notion gets one project and one task database per import, so if you have multiple projects within one teamspace, all of those projects will go into the same database, unless imported in batches. As a workaround, you can import any additional projects into a separate teamspace and move them manually afterwards, or import your account in batches so that you can bring more projects and task databases to the same teamspaces each time.

  • The importer will also import all information about task owners and due dates into your Notion database.

  • Note that an assignee in Monday.com must be named Owner, Assignee, or Person in order for that information to properly appear in Notion as an assignee. Any project or task board should only have one column to indicate an assignee.

Import duration and size

  • Imports can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours depending on size. You’ll receive an email notification once your import is complete.

  • There’s no limit to how many tasks you can import, but for the best experience, we recommend importing 10,000 tasks per teamspace, per import.


  • The importer won’t import documents. Instead, we’ll display the corresponding Monday.com document link in Notion.

  • You can import tasks from multiple workspaces, but you’re limited to importing one workspace at a time.

  • The import is a one-time event; any future changes you make in Monday.com won’t automatically reflect in Notion.

  • At this time, you can’t preview an import beforehand.

  1. Go to Settings & members in your sidebar → ImportMonday.com.

  2. Enter your email and API token, which you can find using the instructions here. Select Authenticate when you’re done.

  3. Select your Monday.com workspace in the dropdown that appears. You can only import one workspace at a time.

  4. Select the folders and boards you want to import from your designated Monday.com workspace into Notion. You can also select the teamspace you want to send your imports to.

  5. Start the import by selecting Next.

  6. Once the import is complete, select Done.

