從這裡開始Curious about what Notion is? We'll show you right here, and in the articles to come. Let's go! 📍
什麼是區塊?試想 Notion 爲一個裝著無窮無盡積木的百寶袋,讓你能自由自主地創造和實踐你所有天馬行空的概念!你在 Notion 上建立的每個頁面都由許多的「建構區塊」組成,就像樂高城堡是由許多的樂高積木堆砌而成。🧱
從範本開始To help you take on a variety of challenges with Notion, we've created lots of templates that you can adopt and customize as your own — including 5 "starter templates" already in your workspace! Here's how to use them 💾