Enterprise Plan
Run your entire organization on Notion, with advanced controls and support. 在此查看所有文章。
Audit log
Audit logs give workspace owners access to detailed information about security and safety-related activity. This can help identify potential security issues, investigate suspicious behavior, and troubleshoot access 🔦
Workspace analytics
Learn how your organization is interacting with content on your workspace 🗃
Provision users & groups with SCIM
You can provision and manage users and groups in your Notion workspace with the System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) API standard 🔑
Business Plan
Connect several teams and tools, all in a single workspace. 在此查看所有文章。
Intro to teamspaces
Teamspaces streamline access to information, creating a dedicated area for every team which can be customized to suit their way of working. This article walks you through the ins & outs of the feature 🐾
Page analytics
Gain insight into how your content is performing by tracking page popularity and views 📜
Notion provides Single Sign-On (SSO) functionality for Business and Enterprise customers to access the app through a single authentication source. This allows IT administrators to better manage team access and keeps information more secure 🔐
Plus Plan
Plan and get organized, as a team. 在此查看所有文章。
Notion 旨在实现超级协作,因此有多种方式可以与其他人共享您创建的内容。我们的权限级别确保他们完全按照您希望的方式访问此内容 🤝
在 Notion 中与他人合作很容易。添加成员以在工作区中一起共享、编辑和协作处理页面。想与团队以外的人一起工作吗?邀请他们作为访客查看、评论或编辑工作区中的特定页面 👥
可以同时查看和编辑同一页面或数据库的人数没有限制。您的团队可以在共享内容上进行协作,无论他们身在何处、什么时间或使用什么设备 🎳