Notion 2.32: new features for project management, AI, and more

More options when sharing a page

Configure access before sharing or publishing a page link.

Connect tasks to Google Drive and Figma files

See live content from other tools directly in a Notion task.

Task dependencies that automatically shift

When you update a task’s date its dependent tasks shift with it.

Save your AI prompts

Favorite AI prompts for reuse later.

Recently visited pages now load 10% faster on iOS

Pages on iOS load faster thanks to improvements in how content is downloaded.

Search an expanded list of integrated tools that includes Miro and Canva.

Little fixes = big improvements

  • 🖱️ Hold shift then click to easily add an end date in the date picker

  • 🔠 Sort values of a select or multi-select property alphabetically or manually

  • 👥 When sharing a Notion page you can now share it with contacts from Slack
