
Manage your Enterprise workspace

Enterprise admins - hero

This one's for administrators of workspaces on the Enterprise plan! Find out more about your capabilities in Notion 👤

Workspaces on the Enterprise Plan have two admin types. Here is an overview of their capabilities within the workspace:

Workspace owner

Workspace owners can manage everything in the workspace from settings to security, members to groups — and even delete an entire workspace. They can also approve or reject requests to invite guests to a workspace.

Think of them as the primary administrator of the workspace with the most expansive permissions.

Tip: We recommend you choose at least two workspace owners so there is always a backup!

Membership admin

Membership admins are more limited administrators who can manage user membership. They can:

  • Add or remove members from the workspace.

    • Note: Membership admins can add users to the workspace in a member role only. Membership admins cannot add Workspace owners or Membership admins to the workspace.

  • Add or remove members, Membership admins, and Workspace owners from existing groups.

Membership admins cannot edit other workspace settings.

