In this guide, we look at multiple ways to run the Zetane Viewer from inside a Docker container:

For ideas of what to try once the Viewer is up and running, be sure to check out our quick start video tutorial:

Zetane Gallery

<aside> 👷 Thank you for your interest in containerized Zetane! This mode of deployment is in early development; we look forward to continue improving it, approaching native desktop fidelity and experience.


Zetane Dockerfile (Software Rendering)

This is an example of a minimal setup to run Zetane inside a Docker image, with CPU (software) rendering, on a local machine. This setup does not require a GPU, and has been tested on bare systems, including Live USB.

<aside> 💡 Note: on Linux systems with NVIDIA drivers installed, this software rendering method might not work. In that case, try the NVIDIA-accelerated Zetane Dockerfile instead.


Zetane Dockerfile (NVIDIA GPU)

This option is recommended on platforms with supported NVIDIA GPUs. It provides hardware-accelerated rendering with a similar graphical performance to being natively launched on the same system.

<aside> 🚧 Currently, only GLX (interactive) sessions have been tested. Off-screen (EGL) rendering is in development.
