

We have many urgent global problems. We'd want to do the best out of our resources under our circumstances in order to achieve the biggest positive impact. How can we do that?

We have had many problems. We have problems today and we will have them in the future. So generally there are problems, let's say 1, 2, 3 and so on according to priorities. And there are solutions, opportunities, projects, impact-companies... 1, 2, 3 according to the impactfulness. Then we have resources, which are: human resources as individuals or organizations, the money, science & technologies etc. We would need to create such which would strategically and systematically guide the resources and incentivize entities according to the priorities which would bring the optimal results for the world based on our best knowledge.

Imagine the research from Drawdown.org of prioritized ranking of climate-solutions according to impactfulness and similar research across many other challenges from Effective Altruism, 80000hours.org and taking it all a step further by mapping out the projects and ventures that actually work on those world-priorities, thus guiding entities and our resources in the form of capital and human potential according to the distribution of priorities which would bring the biggest positive impact and the most optimal results for all.


Resources in and of themselves are there and many of the solutions are there, it's just that our systems don't have the mechanisms of guiding, coordinating or allocating the resources optimally. Our economic system’s only inbuilt guiding principle in the form of profit leads to the neglect of the social and environmental impacts and values that are not included in the equation, which then creates imbalances in what humanity does and what we actually would need to do for our prosperity. The structures and institutions around the economy (governance, politics and education) don't function in a way to do anything about it effectively. Hence, many of the problems we see in the world.


Creation of such structures, systems and platforms which guide the resources and incentivize entities according to the world's priorities across problems and opportunities for the most optimal results for all and the whole is therefore of desire. It would allow for a more impact- and data-driven society and smarter cost-benefit economics.

As the first step, this can be done by a framework or a platform that guides the Society's large investment resources into impactful projects, initiatives, startups, companies, R&D or any other solutions according to their relative impactfulness. This is what the project ImpactPath from ZALAB is about.


Financial and investment sector is one of the most influential sectors in our society, which can be directed towards the world's priorities by such a framework or platform.

Creation of such "guidance framework" can be utilized by governments, public sector, regions like EU & global institutions like World Bank to create data-driven systems to better mobilize societies in order to counteract flaws of the current economy and invest resources wiser. It would also be of value to private sector, companies, foundations, philanthropists, academia & individuals to guide their work and investments according to the distribution of world's priorities.