I help creating great fin-tech products, motivate design teams and learn students**.

Currently Lead** Designer at Tinkoff digital bank, blogger and mentor

Linkedin / Facebook / Email / CV.pdf

I am a product designer, team lead and blogger based in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

I have an engineer education and more than 10 years of experience in design. I helped design startups and products launched from scratch and have extensive experience in product development. I make researches, create wireframes, use CJM, interested in UX-copywriting, know how to use and supplement design systems.

As a designer I am proud with projects

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There are more than 2500 Tinkoff ATM, mostly in big cities. When I came to the company there was an understanding that the old interface was hard to support and visually visually outdated. Besides there were no interface statistics. UX decisions were made based on short interviews with users or mostly just on an expert opinion.

Read more about how we developed the ATM interface evaluation system, built design processes and released a redesign ➡️

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We worked with a team of consultants from BCG for more than a year to digitize production at a large diamond processing plant. We conducted research, tested the solution in test shops and extended it to the entire production.


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