Before I start building my new SaaS business, I figured it’d be a good idea to work through a few key questions regarding this business. Such as:

In this livestream, I walk through all of these questions, and more, on my own "micro-SaaS" product.

I found this exercise extremely helpful in clarifying my thoughts. In particular, writing them down or saying them out loud helped me explore ideas even further than if I just kept them in the back of my mind.

Here's what I've come up with so far:


I share my inspiration for this product here: Inspiration page

Problem Statement

Non-technical clients or managers don't know how to use Github to review project status. Freelance developers do not have an easy way to use Github issues to present their progress to non-technical stakeholders. They have to resort to copying and pasting, or finding some hack-ish workaround to present their issues in a sensible way to non-Github users.

Github and other Github-dependent apps (ie Zenhub) do have many project management features, such as Kanban boards that help developers manage their issues. However, they have some limitations:
