Yellow can access a wealth of resources through networks.

Most obviously, all the existing material available (in real time) via the internet itself. We use interviews, film clips, music, art, poetry and so on.

More importantly, our own networks of people - from artists to zen monks.

Plus the networks of our networks.

We have access to delightful range of wonderful people from a wealth of different fields, who we can call upon as and when needed.

These people stimulate us to think in many different ways.

They pepper us with questions, ideas, language, concepts, experience, exercises or stories that make us re-consider and re-think in our own context.

Which is profoundly different from drawing on subject matter experts.

Yellow also offers them the chance to learn by connecting with us.

We have been blown away by the willingness of collaborators to join in and their enthusiasm to stay involved.

Which creates a powerful Yellow network, to which everyone has access and through which everyone is learning.

(See a selection of our network and collaborators here: Collaborators).

Next page: ****Not just tech - everything is hybrid