⛳️ 1. Start here

👋🏼 Welcome! This is a weekly planner template for Notion. It helps you view and track your goals, habits, milestones, to-do's, schedule, journal and expenses each week all in one page.

This template contains the following sections:

  1. Progress Log; to track your goals, habits and milestones
  2. Master Backlog; to plan your to-do's and manage your schedule
  3. Journal Log; to write about your thoughts, feelings and insights
  4. Expenses Log; to track your weekly expenses

ℹ️ These sections are linked inside each Weekly Planner page but live in their own databases.

📄 2. Duplicate this template

❓ Don't know how? Learn how to duplicate a page here.

<aside> 👉🏼 'Duplicate' this page entirely ↑ (see the top right button in the top navigation bar), then inside your workspace, right click on these databases & 'move' them anywhere like →


Weekly Log

Progress Log

Master Backlog

Journal Log

Expenses Log


📋 3. Create a new 'Weekly Page'

<aside> 👉🏼 Open Weekly Log and click 'New > W#' to create a new weekly planner template every week. This is the only database you'll be using, all the others are already linked inside.



<aside> 👉🏼 Then 'favorite' it so it can appear on the top of your list of favorite pages.

