Table of Contents



The purpose of this trip is to break the break existing habits and mental pathways to make room for building new ones. With this framework in place, the rest of the decisions become much more clear

First, no laptop, smartphone, or headphones. This disconnects me from the internet and forces my mind to begin looking for new ways to find where to eat, what to see, how to get around, etc... I'm also not taking my headphones. No need to listen to the same music I do at home, and without mobile internet I will not be discovering anything new. Definitely no need for podcasts, this will force me to find new sources of knowledge from my immediate environment. I will be traveling with an Apple Watch (because I still want to track my steps and health) but turning off connectivity.

Books will be fiction only. I don't recall the last fiction book I read and have a few on the list. Reading can be an easy way to avoid social interaction, therefore I will limit it to only those times there is no social interaction possible, or that I simply need a break. Ask yourself before pickup up the book, are you reading to avoid interacting?

I want to fully experience Indian culture. The cornerstones of which are food, music, film and spirituality.

I also want to experience the natural splendor of the country. This means seeking out hikes, wildlife, jungles, and the chance to connect with nature.

To Do

To Pack

To Print

Rough Itinerary