<aside> 🌙 — i’m not a nightmare. i’m the savior behind your sleepless nights… trust me, the treatment will be painless.


☾ ︴OUT OF CHARACTER ————————————————————————————

❛ ⌗ — about the writer

⤿ just call me xiulan, xiu, or my username. you may also call me as my character name. struggling with college. replies would be slow.

writing speed: 3/10 ❛ writing style **: 3rd pov, detailed, multi-para ❛ plotting style: plotting > winging (although, would wing depending on the activity/setting of the rp) ❛ writing triggers: i don't have one. though, will inform if i do.

【 before approaching! 】∘∘∘ read my profile before approaching to plot. please have at least an idea when you do want to write with me. i'd love to hear about your side before i give my ideas to help build in our plot for each other. remember, i am different from my muse. keep ic and ooc knowledge separate.

【 writing style! 】∘∘∘ rooms preferred than wall rp. i am open with any genre as long as everything is plotted out and discussed before hand. my private messages are reserved for ooc interaction and plotting only.

i lean more to plotting than winging. it helps me get a grasp of what our characters will do in our thread and prevents me from getting lost. don't reply back with a one liner unless we're rp-ing in the social media tabs. i will drop our thread if you do so.

【 activity rules! 】∘∘∘ can be busy from time to time due to ooc stuff so please be patient with my replies. i'll inform you if i might take longer than expected. don't poke me. if you poke me or pressure me for replies i will drop our thread.

please inform me if you no longer have muse for our thread or if you will be busy recently. we can plot for a different thread if you prefer after our finished thread or the thread you no longer have muse for. i'm down for any actually.


<aside> <img src="/icons/moon_gray.svg" alt="/icons/moon_gray.svg" width="40px" /> i have a reply speed similar to that of a tortoise because of university. if you’re looking for a person who replies very quick, i wouldn’t be your person.


☾ ︴BIG BAD WOLF ————————————————————————————



      ❑ / **birth name:** hong jisoo ( known from his pack ), 
      ❑ / **other name(s):** joshua ( used as his codename. also the name he use commonly if he ever introduce himself to people he’s not familiar with, he’ll use this name. though, if he were to encounter a client he would often use different names namely ( jaesung, tristan, etc. )
      ❑ / **nicknames:** shua ( + more that he forgot of that came from his clients )
      ❑ **/ pronouns:** he/him
      ❑ **/ species:** wolf (hidden by glamour), human
      ❑ / **occupation:** assassin (hidden job), security guard (hired by seungwan)


      ❑ / **date of birth:** december 30, 1995
      ❑ / **age:** appears to be around his twenty’s. 26 yrs old
      ❑ / **astrological sign:** capricorn
      ❑ / **mbti type:** entj-t

      ❑ / **place of birth:** woods
      ❑ / **current location:** fabletown, manhattan, new york
      ❑ / **nationality:** korean-american
      ❑ / **ethnicity:** korean
      ❑ / **known languages:** english ( fluent ), korean ( fluent )


      ❑ / **father:** deceased
      ❑ / **mother:** deceased
      ❑ / **sibling(s):** older brother (active, npc)


⤿ sns handle.


☾ ︴HISTORY ————————————————————————————


tw: murder, blood, gore, mutilation.

Everyone recognized him as the ruthless beast who thrived from the deepest part of the dim forest, hiding behind trees taller than the houses structured from a town. He scavenged for human beings who wander into the path that belonged to his territory, stealing their bodies away and tearing into their limbs and warm flesh concealed by the amount of cloth wrapped on each part of their figure.

A trail of blood would often stain the white carpet of snow or grass that everyone would witness. He was the one who stole their screams of terror that would often crack in the middle of the night, scaring villagers and alerting them that there was someone who died at that night.

Red riding hood was no different from these victims. She may hold a courageous heart, but the wolf was quick. He chatted with little red. The poor girl, with no one to assist her through the woods, made her the perfect meal for the wolf to take, but he decided against it. They always held a lovely conversation of where the girl was heading off to and the wolf decided to give her a special surprise.

The wolf soon knew the location of her dear grandmother, stealing her last breath away before impersonating her. The clothes she has from her closet were worn by the wolf before lying in bed, waiting for little red’s arrival.

“Oh grandmother, what large teeth you have!”

“The more to devour you with.”

With that, the wolf gobbled up the girl.


adjusting to the shattered reality of fabletown. jisoo experienced unexpected events that he knew would be a lot harder compared to how he was used to from his own story book.

of course, to blend in with other citizens outside of the designated place he was assigned to. he was given an accessory to hide his true form against many prying eyes that could might as well endanger him. there were a number of gadgets that he knew nothing of, until one of his fellow gang caught up with them. they were "torture toys" which they had named by themselves.

anyone with a lab gown and science background must always be taken within caution. these were one of the warnings that he and his gang members formed ever since they came together. jisoo's new family that he never had experienced before. just as he thought that he would finally get the taste of living in the luxury with a loving father and mother in the new opportunity given to him, they too had been taken off by an accident just as it was from his own written fable hidden by everyone.

such wishful dreams. that's why they called it like that, they were never meant to be real.

the only family he ought to have was his older brother and his friends. the solace that took place to bring warmth into his winter home.


tw: murder, death.

he belonged in a pack who thrived by blood thirst in exchange for sustenance. it was one of the things he learned upon growing up in the illegal group that his brother made him join when their parents died.

overtime, the group gained a reputation that less knew about. their clients consisted of people who thrived for wrath against the people they wanted dead and envy for stealing what they originally owned from the beginning. jisoo didn't care if it were to break the law. if the exchange held a good fortune, then who were to complain? many of them developed a skill. impersonation of the target's loved ones for theft and murder. for him, the world is a society full of sins and they would take this into advantage, granting the wishes of people executing their enemies come true. the humans that linger about would often leave requests for them to kill and they will fulfill this as long as they have their terms agreed upon the other.


☾ ︴WOLF UNDER SHEEP’S CLOTHING ————————————————————————————


      ❑ / **height** ⋮ 85 cm. (2’7”)
      ❑ / **eye color** ⋮ gold
      ❑ / **fur color** ⋮ midnight black
      ❑ / **physique** ⋮ muscular
      ❑ / **scent** ⋮ lavenders


      ❑ / **height** ⋮ 187 cm. (6’2”)
      ❑ / **eye color** ⋮ hazelnut
      ❑ / **hair color** ⋮ midnight black
      ❑ / **physique** ⋮ muscular
      ❑ / **scent** ⋮ lavenders


⤿ two golden fish.

located on his left shoulder. he got this in the middle of their business with his pack as a symbol of their loyalty with each other.

⤿ silver hoop earrings.

only has his left ear pierced. one silver hoop worn on his lobe and the other located on his helix.



⤿ silver ring.

just a simple ring with no other design intact to it. he wears this on his right hand forefinger. this also serves as his glamour to conceal himself from humans.

ೃ⁀➷ STYLE.**

shirts and sweaters with simple to no loud patterns printed on them. mostly wears a theme of achromatic colors every day with the occasional turtle necks, leather jackets, and see through tops.


☾ ︴HIM ————————————————————————————


⤿ positive*.*

neat ( would never leave anything in a mess ), ambitious, family oriented ( in terms of his group since he values them a lot ).


⋮ murder, coffee, wine, red roses, strawberries, meat, fish, animals ( mostly dogs ), the color red, getting his job done, rainy season, snow, crowded places.


⋮ stargazing, smoking, drinking alcohol, shopping.

⤿ negative

liar, impersonation ( by the identities that he choose for his own missions or given to him by his pack ), murderer, stubborn.


⋮ being late on anything, cherries, messy places, foul stench ( his nose is sensitive to smell ).


⋮ cooking, driving, disguising himself as one of his made up identities.

☾ ︴PERSONAL INFO ————————————————————————————



      ❑ / **r. orientation** **⋮ demiromantic
      ❑ / **s. orientation** **⋮ demisexual
      ❑ / **love language** **⋮ acts of service & physical touch
      ❑ / **marital status** **⋮ confidential

message here.

☾ ︴CONNECTIONS ————————————————————————————


      ❑ / **name: son seungwan “calypso”**
      ❑ / relationship: he works as her security guard

【 message! 】∘∘∘ she pays well. i hate some of her fans, why do they have to be so pushy every time she tries to walk back to the car? unfortunately, she doesn’t allow me to finish them off. oh well, she pays for starbucks anyway in exchange. free food.

      ❑ / **name: kim taeyeon “maleficent”**
      ❑ / role: business partners, boss

【 message! 】∘∘∘ she’s an excellent leader. i work with her a lot and the exchange she gives me and my group is quite grand if i say so myself. i have my utmost respect for her and the methods she place in accomplishing our assignments.


      ❑ / **name: park chaewon “pea princess”**
      ❑ / role: shopping buddy

【 message! 】∘∘∘ she has a great fashion sense. sometimes it makes me think what her job is… but i don’t think i’d want to find out in case she asks for mine…