<aside> 💡 This document is a draft for discussion as part of this Balancer forum discussion. The final form will be added to docs.xave.co


<aside> 💡 The Xave team, as current and temporary admin of these functions commits to post notice on the Balancer forum at least 24 hours before execution of any of the below functions. Note that in extreme time sensitive situations, such as where LP losses need quick action to be avoided, the Xave team may have to post and act immediately before 24 hrs are up - though this will be the exception rather than the norm until Xave revokes ownership of the pools or transfers to Balancer as admin at the end of Q1 2023 as an initial target barring any unexpected scenarios related to operating newly deployed code and a new custom pool type


This document describes the FXPool functions that have the onlyOwner modifier implemented. The actual deployed contracts that currently have the ff functions controlled by owner address are:

Contract Owner
https://polygonscan.com/address/0x726E324c29a1e49309672b244bdC4Ff62A270407 https://polygonscan.com/address/0xc76ec28801ad09020fb89da48306176e56960cc5
https://etherscan.io/address/0xAd0e5e0778cAC28f1ff459602b31351871B5754a https://etherscan.io/address/0xA4d521ae4302ffcf3cD5b257B45B16DAC726A057
Admin Function Description Parameters
setPaused() Pauses all pool actions except withdraw none
setEmergency() Enables proportional withdraws true / false
setCollectorAddress() Set fee collector to receive accrued fees from traders Address
setProtocolPercentFee() Set protocol percentage fee - in % units to incur on trade output. For example, if we want to set protocol percent fee as 37% of total trade fee, we call FXPool.setProtocolPercentFee(37) uint256 _protocolPercentFee
setCap() Set cap for pool uint256 _cap representing max TVL in USD wei units
setParams() Set pool curve dimensions which influences invariant behavior, range of fees incurred in trades and others

https://docs.xave.co/product/amm | uint256 _alpha, uint256 _beta, uint256 _feeAtHalt, uint256 _epsilon, uint256 _lambda |