Introducing wwrp: 1 link that lets you share all your other links

🤯 Me vs The Giant

The Facts

The Story

Linktree has a massive start and all the resources. I've got a lot less 😅, and it probably seems like I'm going to get crushed. Luckily there's a few things I have that Linktree doesn't!

  1. I care more. I give a shit. Not sure how I can say it more bluntly. wwrp is my baby and every person who uses it matters to me A LOT! If they have a problem they talk to me. If they need something they talk to me. Anything they need they can talk to me! Linktree is a company. Their goal is to get as many people as possible to use their product so they can grow and make more money. My goal is to make wwrp fucking awesome for you, and hopefully make your life a bit easier. Everything is from me to you. No middlemen. No bullshit. Just a product that helps you solve your problems.
  2. I get to share an awesome story. I get to tell the story of starting wwrp with literally just a computer and some ideas in my head. I get to talk about how people who use wwrp actually benefit. I get to talk about actually competing with a huge company and succeeding. It's like who doesn't want to hear that? Who wouldn't want to root for the underdog?
  3. I'm the underdog. When you're the underdog everyone is secretly routing for you. Even though it might not seem like it. Embracing the underdog story is one of my biggest weapon.
  4. Speed. The larger a company the longer it takes to get things done. I'm 1 person. If I want something done I just do it. I only answer to people who use wwrp, so I'm always building things that are directly valuable to them.

I hope you believe me when I say I can compete with Linktree. I'll be sharing the progress every day on Twitter, and every 2 weeks in this newsletter so you don't have to believe me. Actions speak louder than words after all.

You can see the actual progress by