All things related to FIDE Online Arena updates - new features and service, bug fixes, and stability improvements.

⚡️Bug Fixes (May 24, 2021)

New Features (May 17, 2021)

⚡️All Arena titles are now visible in your FIDE profile Once you receive the Arena title, it appears on your FIDE profile as well. It also applies to Arena members whose paid membership has expired, because the Arena titles, just like other FIDE titles, are given for life, regardless of the membership status. (You still need a pro-membership to earn the title, and we highly recommend it — it’s very motivating and very much helps to improve your game).

⚡️Player connection status display

An indicator showing your and your opponent’s connection and alerts when the connection is lost, because you need to be aware of this ASAP. You will also be alerted if we detect a sign-in from a different tab or device: because of anti-cheating rules and security, there should be only one connection to your account, but we give you a very simple way to reconnect to the existing connection by pressing a button inside the alert. Currently, this feature is visible only for single games, and will be available in tournaments shortly.

🕰 Deciseconds (one tenth of a second) in time-trouble

Once your clock is down to 20 seconds, it will start a countdown in deciseconds, because it can be important for the players, and because it can help you time your moves right. When the countrown hits 15 seconds, you will also hear a sound signal and the clock will turn red to let you know that you are almost out of time.

⚡️Check and review other players’ profilesClick on your opponent and you will be able to review their profile and recent games. Also, share your own profile and showcase your recent accomplishments, including the official Arena and FIDE titles. You can also change or add data to your profile. Please note that some profiles are locked (there is a little lock to show that) because the data is connected to FIDE. Reach out to us if you need to change it.

Feature requests

<aside> 💡 We are so greatful for all feature requests you might have and that might help improve the Arena. Please


Bug Fixes 🪓


Arena Support is available 24/7, please email [email protected] with any questions!