Hi [Manager’s Name],

I’m interested in continuing my personal and professional growth and drive impact inside our organization by learning new practices, frameworks, and insights. Therefore, I’d like to sign up for Workit's Product Management Fellowship.

Workit pairs full-time employees like me with a cohort of peers and mentors to learn new approaches, increase my impact, and grow personally and professionally through projects, discussions, peer-to-peer support, and career coaching.

Here’s why I think the program is a good fit.

In addition, it could be a good opportunity to share what I'm learning with you and discuss how it can be applied to our company and product as part of my work. The program costs $2,500 for a 12 month fellowship. It kicks off with an 8 week accelerator which requires 3-4 hours per week and it's scheduled after our business hours. Would you approve of reimbursement for this expense?

Let me know what you think. Thanks in advance!

