<aside> ❤️ Welcome. We’re the first women PFP fully onchain and we’re here to help bring more diverse holders to the onchain community, deliver value to our holders and have fun.


We’re here to help

Here you’ll find a wide variety of resources about WomenOnChain and onchain nfts.

Our community is full of amazing people who are generous with their knowledge too and we all uplift each other through sharing what we know.

Want to join our Discord? Then grab a WomenOnChain on OpenSea.

Join the Discord by getting a WONC here →

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Table of contents


A friendly guide to understanding what ONCHAIN means.

A friendly guide to understanding what ONCHAIN means.

Understanding ONCHAIN NFTs


How we came to be the first Women PFP onchain

A guide to using NFTX vault.

A guide to using NFTX vault.

Understanding the NFTX Vault

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/a211011f-9caa-4b5a-b2d3-c14abcbcf977/1993.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/a211011f-9caa-4b5a-b2d3-c14abcbcf977/1993.png" width="40px" /> Want to own a part of HERstory? Then look at the WomenOnChain collection on Opensea here: https://opensea.io/collection/womenonchain


Spaces + other events


<aside> 📣 Interesting in a partnership? Email us at [email protected]


Follow us! 📱

Stay up to date with the most recent news, events, and more.

Opensea: https://opensea.io/collection/womenonchain

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Women_OnChain

Website: https://womenonchain.xyz

Discord (holder only): https://discord.gg/w5e8vkF8uH